Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Driver License Nightmares

Lately, I have been meeting with new clients that have had their license suspended, canceled, or revoked. Some of these clients were suspended for tickets they received in other states. Once your license is suspended it can be difficult to get it back. Here are some helpful tips to get you back on track and back on the road.
1. Obey all traffic rules. OK, this may sound obvious, but you are less likely to lose your license if you don't have any tickets.
2. If you get a ticket, no matter what kind of ticket, consult a lawyer who regularly handles traffic tickets. If you just pay the fine you could have points added to your license. Too many points can lead to your license being suspended. In many instances even if you are guilty an experienced lawyer may be able to get the case dismissed or resolved without points.
3. If you get a fine on a traffic citation, pay the fine before it is due. If the fine is not paid, the DMV will suspend your license.
4. If you know your license is suspended do not drive on it. If you get pulled over while your license is suspended you will be charged with a crime and could be taken to jail.
5. If you are charged with a DWLS (driving while license suspended) do not plea it out without consulting an experienced attorney. In Florida if you have 3 DWLS (withold of adjudication or adjudication) you will be deemed a habitual traffic offender and will have your license revoked for 5 years.
If you have any questions please leave a post. Good luck and safe driving.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Clever Alternatives to Trial

In my last two posts, I have been jokingly suggesting that trials should be disputed in the Octagon and not in the Courts. The truth is that sometimes there are alternatives to having criminal trial. Pre-trial Diversion can be an excellent way to resolve any messy entanglements with the law. Usually offered to first time offenders, pre-trial diversion lets you control the case. These diversion programs usually have a probation component including community service hours. The upside to doing these programs, if you successfully complete the program your case will be dismissed.
If you are charged with a crime and its a first offense, inquire about diversion program. It may be the only way to guarantee a dismissal in your case.